Customized data analysis service

ITrust offers data analysis services with expert Data Scientists. Tailor-made missions are proposed, according to the specificities of each client.
ITrust’s Data Science as a service offer helps you make effective use of existing information within the company by analysing it with Big Data technologies in order to extract abnormal behaviours.

Fond d'écran data science

A Data Scientist accompanies you in order to optimize your processes.

ITrust’s Data Science as a service offer helps you make effective use of existing information within the company by analysing it with Big Data technologies in order to extract abnormal behaviours.

Its missions:

  • Understanding the specificity of the data to be analysed
  • Performing extraction, pre-processing and modeling of relevant data in the analysis context
  • Definition of the evaluation criteria for its analysis
  • Carrying out training and evaluation of data models
  • Using its expertise to optimize the data analysis process according to the specificity and constraints of the analysis context
  • Presentation of the synthesis of the analysis results in an intuitive and ergonomic way, in order to facilitate the company’s decision-making process

Reveelium, behavioural analysis platform

Reveelium is an innovative technology designed as a generic platform for analyzing massive volumes of data to detect abnormal behavior. It integrates both customized modules for indexing, storing, processing and advanced analysis of data flows.

The solution is:

  • Innovative anomaly detection
  • Extensible for mass data processing
  • Successfully operated in several contexts


  • 10 years of experience in automated data analysis
  • Extensive and recognized knowledge in cybersecurity

  • Solid knowledge in statistical analysis, machine learning with the support of laboratories.